Tuesday 14 August 2007

The Bear is Done!

Over the last couple of days, I have concentrated on finishing the main carving of the bear, and I'm quite happy that it looks pretty well in keeping with the various 'originals' that I have seen. This view shows the contours taken round the sides. They are not taken all the way round the back because the intention is to mount the finished pole against a wall or other support.

As can be see from both these photos, the surfaces tend to get fairly dirty looking. This is mostly because the wood tends to stain the hands while working, rather like oak does. This can easily get transferred back to the surfaces. Luckily these can be cleaned with Methylated Spirit.

Some of the surfaces may need a bit more refining and smoothing, but this will be better done after all the other subjects are brought to the same level.

The next job will be to plan and rough out the shape of the Beaver. But other priorities will mean little progress here for a week or so.

Approx 7 hours (so about 25 hours total on the Bear)

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